Russian export of carbon:

  • Azerbaijan
  • Bulgaria
  • Hungary
  • Viet Nam
  • Germany
  • India
  • Italy
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Uzbekistan
  • France
  • Sweden

russian sertificate

Manufacturers of Russian Carbon wholesale:

  1. 🇧🇾 Carbon Belarus
  2. 🇺🇿 Carbon Uzbekistan
  3. 🇰🇿 Carbon Kazakhstan
  4. 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan
  5. 🇷🇺 Carbon export from Russia
  6. 🇷🇺 Carbon manufacture from Russia
  7. Carbon price in Russia
  8. Where is Carbon made?
  9. Delivery from Russia with customs

Russian Carbon wholesale products

Carbon black Carbon black

Carbon black Carbon black

0.71 - 0.86$
  • 2
  • 2373
  • 2
Dioxide and gaseous)

Dioxide and gaseous)

200 $/MT FCA
  • 4
  • 3367
  • 5
Carbon dioxide, hard (dry ice)

Carbon dioxide, hard (dry ice)

0.71 - 1.14 $/pcs
  • 2
  • 5011
  • 2
Carbon dioxide (dry ice)

Carbon dioxide (dry ice)

0.71 - 1.14 $/kg
  • 0
  • 2704
  • 0
Crushed natural graphite 20-40, 40-80 mm. Carbon 84%

Crushed natural graphite 20-40, 40-80 mm. Carbon 84%

0.24 - 0.29 $/kg
  • 0
  • 1435
  • 3
Carbon tetrachloride

Carbon tetrachloride

4 - 5$
  • 0
  • 950
  • 4
Technical carbon P-803 (Carbon black P-803)

Technical carbon P-803 (Carbon black P-803)

  • 1
  • 2573
  • 3
Technical carbon N, P. (Carbon black)

Technical carbon N, P. (Carbon black)

62 - 78$
  • 1
  • 3603
  • 4
Carbon monoxide signaling device SOU1 IBYAL. 413534.011

Carbon monoxide signaling device SOU1 IBYAL. 413534.011

100 - 127$
  • 2
  • 1141
  • 2
Carbon square. steel o  k

Carbon square. steel o k

657 - 729$
  • 2
  • 1619
  • 2
Analyzer of carbon and sulfur in metals and coals

Analyzer of carbon and sulfur in metals and coals

71 - 85.71$
  • 2
  • 3005
  • 4
Sulfur and carbon analyzer in coals and metals

Sulfur and carbon analyzer in coals and metals

71 - 85.71$
  • 2
  • 2513
  • 4
Carbon 4-chloride, analytical grade, reagent grade, special purity grade, chromium, sp, eVs - 0, 1, 2.

Carbon 4-chloride, analytical grade, reagent grade, special purity grade, chromium, sp, eVs - 0, 1, 2.

  • 1
  • 876
  • 5
Equipment for black carbon briquetting

Equipment for black carbon briquetting

  • 1
  • 3743
  • 2
Carbon monoxide sensor DUG-14

Carbon monoxide sensor DUG-14

  • 2
  • 731
  • 2
Carbon Black

Carbon Black

  • 2
  • 3179
  • 3
Carbon tetrachloride

Carbon tetrachloride

  • 1
  • 816
  • 1
Black building soot (technical carbon P-803)

Black building soot (technical carbon P-803)

  • 2
  • 2915
  • 0
Chemically pure carbon tetrachloride (chemically pure) GOST 20288-74

Chemically pure carbon tetrachloride (chemically pure) GOST 20288-74

  • 0
  • 2363
  • 1
Chemically pure carbon tetrachloride for EVS

Chemically pure carbon tetrachloride for EVS

  • 1
  • 988
  • 3
Technical carbon conductive (carbon black)

Technical carbon conductive (carbon black)

7.14 - 7.86$
  • 1
  • 4380
  • 0
Carbon Black K 354

Carbon Black K 354

  • 0
  • 3272
  • 0
Carbon Black

Carbon Black

  • 0
  • 2552
  • 3
Carbon black K354

Carbon black K354

  • 0
  • 1303
  • 5
Carbon Black

Carbon Black

  • 0
  • 2492
  • 0
Carbon Black

Carbon Black

  • 1
  • 2599
  • 5
Construction soot, P-803, P-234, carbon black

Construction soot, P-803, P-234, carbon black

0.57 - 0.93$
  • 2
  • 3412
  • 1
Carbon black K-354

Carbon black K-354

  • 0
  • 1359
  • 5
Carbon black (soot) P-803 granules

Carbon black (soot) P-803 granules

  • 3
  • 3329
  • 0
Black soot (technical carbon) grade P-803, tech. ...

Black soot (technical carbon) grade P-803, tech. ...

  • 2
  • 2963
  • 3

🇷🇺 TOP Exporters Carbon from Russian Federation

Carbon manufacturing companies you many buy this products:

Good from Russia

Non-carbonated semi-sweet cider San Gri and Ciders of the O Belisimo series, carbonated semi-sweet, carbonated semi-dry, carbonated sweet, carbonated semi-sweet pearl, carbonated semi-dry pearl, carbonated

Eau de toilette for men: "Carbon Homme Sport" (Carbon Home Sport) "Carbon Energy" (Carbon Energy) "Carbon Ultra" (Carbon Ultra) "Senator Still" (Senator Still) "Senator Gold" (Senator Gold) "Senator Rich" (Senator Rich)

Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks: Medium carbonated water "Orange", Medium carbonated water "Tarhun", Medium carbonated water "Pink grapefruit", Medium carbonated water "Tropic", Medium carbonated water "Kol

Non-alcoholic non-carbonated and medium-carbonated drinks (lemonades, carbonated water), non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks and medium carbonated (lemonades, carbonated water) with the addition of vegetable raw material

HEATING BOILERS ZOTA Carbon brand, operating on solid fuels, rated thermal output from 15 to 50 kW, models: ZOTA Carbon - 15, ZOTA Carbon - 20, ZOTA Carbon - 32, ZOTA Carbon - 40, ZOTA Carbon -

Smoked-cooked pork meat products: category B - carbonade, delicatessen carbonate, homemade carbonate, classic carbonate, double-smoked carbonate, marble carbonate, amateur carbonate, loin, Korean

Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks: Carbonated Pear drink, Rosehip carbonated drink, Carbonated Bee Drink, Drink Carbonated Yabloko, Carbonated Black-Plum drink,

  • Carbonated ciders: Carbonated dry cider "Apple Spas", Carbonated cider semi-dry "Yablochny Spas", Semi-sweet carbonated cider "Yablochny Spas", "Yablochny Spas" sweet carbonated cider.
  • Carbonated ciders: Carbonated dry cider St. Anton, Carbonated semi-dry cider Saint Anton ( St. Anton ), Carbonated semi-sweet cider St. Anton , Carbonated sweet cider
  • Carbonated ciders: Carbonated dry cider St. Anton , Semi-dry carbonated cider Saint Anton ( St. Anton ), Carbonated semi-sweet cider St. Anton ( St. Anton ), Poiret (pear cider) carbonated
  • Semi-sweet carbonated ciders with natural ingredients: semi-sweet carbonated cider with pear juice St. Anton ), Carbonated semi-sweet cider with cherry juice St. Anton , carbonated cider
  • carbonated dry Saint Anton (St. Anton ), Semi-dry carbonated cider St. Anton , Semi-sweet carbonated cider St. Anton , Sweet carbonated cider Saint
  • Semi-sweet carbonated ciders with natural ingredients: Semi-sweet carbonated cider with pear juice "St. Anton" , Semi-sweet carbonated cider with cherry juice "St. Anton", Cider gaziro
  • Mead: sweet carbonated Classic, sweet carbonated Cherry, sweet carbonated Raspberry, sweet carbonated Slivovitsa, sweet carbonated Baileys

  • Non-carbonated dry cider; dry carbonated cider; dry carbonated pearl cider; dry sparkling cider; dry sparkling pearl cider; semi-dry non-carbonated cider; semi-dry carbonated cider; semi-dry gazirova cider
  • Products of the wine industry: Ciders: non-carbonated dry cider; dry carbonated cider; dry carbonated pearl cider; dry sparkling cider; dry sparkling pearl cider; semi-dry non-carbonated cider; cider
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated and medium-carbonated drinks (lemonades, carbonated water), Non-alcoholic drinks enriched with plant extracts, non-carbonated and medium-carbonated , sparkling water), On

    Drinking water from underground sources of the first category: BELOKATAISKAYA carbonated and non-carbonated; BELOKATAISKAYA non-carbonated with silver ions; BELOKATAISKAYA purified carbonated and non-carbonated; B

    Food products. Soft drinks carbonated and non-carbonated: with cherry flavor “Volzhanka Cherry” non-carbonated, “KALINA-RYABINA” non-carbonated, “Mojito” medium-carbonated, “Volzhanka“ Traditions of Baikal ”medium

    Low alcohol carbonated beverages, non-carbonated - Ciders: carbonated cider, dry, ethyl alcohol volume fraction 5.0%; carbonated dry cider Rowan Fire, ethyl alcohol volume fraction 4.5%; non-carbonated seed

    Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drinks: Black carbonated tea with mint; Peach carbonated tea; Carbonated green tea with jasmine; Carbonated berry mix tea; Lemonade.

    Non-alcoholic, non-carbonated and carbonated drinks with flavors (low-carbonated, medium-carbonated, highly carbonated) marked VARIA:

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated non-carbonated beverage with basil seeds taste Pomegranate, Non-alcoholic non-carbonated non-carbonated beverage pasteurized with basil seeds Mango taste, Non-alcoholic non-carbonated non-car

    Glass bottles for sparkling and carbonated pearl wines, cider; carbonated low-alcohol drinks; soft drinks, mineral and drinking water: medium carbonated and slightly carbonated.

    Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks (highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated) based on mineral water "Fresh Edelweiss Mojito with strawberry juice and mint flavor", "Fresh Edelweiss Mojito with lemon juice

  • Carbonated ciders: Carbonated sweet cider Apple CHESTER'S. (CHESTER'S), Carbonated semi-sweet Apple CHESTER'S. (CHESTER'S), Carbonated semi-dry Apple CHESTER'S. (CHESTER'S).
  • Carbonated ciders: carbonated sweet cider APPLE CHESTERS. (CHESTERS), carbonated semi-sweet cider APPLE CHESTERS. (CHESTERS), carbonated semi-dry cider APPLE CHESTERS. (CHESTERS)
  • Carbonated ciders: Carbonated sweet cider APPLE CНESTERS. (CHESTERS); Semi-sweet carbonated cider APPLE CНESTERS. (CHESTERS); Semi-dry carbonated cider APPLE CНESTERS. (CHESTERS); Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol
  • Carbonated ciders: carbonated sweet cider VELOYE APPLE, semi-dry carbonated cider VAZELOY APPLE.
  • Fruit ciders flavored: fruit flavored carbonated semi-sweet cider CHESTERS, carbonated fruit cider carbonated semi-sweet FOREST BERRIES CHESTERC (CHESTERS)
  • Wine drinks: wine drink carbonated semi-sweet white SHAMPEL. (CHAMPEL), semi-dry white wine carbonated drink CHAMPEL. (CHAMPEL), carbonated wine drink dry white CHAMPEL. (CHAMPEL), wine drink g
  • Drinking water of the first category "Zirgan" from underground source: carbonated and still; softened carbonated and non-carbonated; softened non-carbonated, enriched with silver ions
  • Drinking water from underground sources of the first category: "BELOKATAISKAYA" carbonated and still; "BELOKATAYSKAYA" non-carbonated with silver ions; "BELOKATAISKAYA" purified carbonated and non-carbonated; "BELOKAT

    Wine drinks: "CANTARI Dessert" carbonated, "CANTARI Arti" carbonated, "CANTARI Perfetto" carbonated, "CANTARI Bacche" carbonated

  • NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS CARBONATED (slightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated) in an assortment of 31 items, packaged in bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with a capacity of 0.33 l to 2.5 l
  • SOFT DRINKS, CARBONATED (slightly carbonated, moderately carbonated and highly carbonated) in an assortment of 23 items, packaged in PET3 bottles with a capacity of 0.3 liters (PET) up to 2,5 l VK
  • CARBONATED SOFT DRINKS (lightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated) in an assortment of 38 items, packaged in PET bottles with a capacity of 0 , 33 l to 2.5 l switch
  • Drinks non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated: see Appendix No. 1. Bottling from 03/01/2015.
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks under the Norma trademark: Buratino, Pear flavor, Cola, Aroma pineapple-orange , Aroma of grapes , Lemonade ,
  • Bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate transparent for bottling and storage of drinking carbonated and non-carbonated water and non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drinks

  • Glass bottles made of colorless, green, blue and brown glass for non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated drinks, mineral and drinking water
  • Bottles made of colorless, green, blue and brown glass for still, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated drinks , mineral and drinking water
  • PET bottles intended for filling and storage food liquids: drinking and mineral water, carbonated and non-carbonated; non-alcoholic drinks, carbonated and non-carbonated; refrigerators


    Glass bottles made of colorless, green, blue and brown glass for non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated drinks, mineral and drinking water

    Food products. Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, moderately carbonated, slightly carbonated and non-carbonated drinks in consumer and transport containers of various capacities, shapes and compositions: "Duchess", "Lemon

    Fermented milk drink "Tan": "Tan" carbonated, "Tan still," Tan "carbonated with spices and spices," Tan "non-carbonated with spices and spices," Tan "non-carbonated with flavors and flavors n

    Natural ciders: dry and semi-dry - low-alcohol fermented carbonated drinks: cider "2018" dry non-carbonated; dry carbonated cider "2018"; cider "2018" dry carbonated pearl; LED

  • Non-alcoholic, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated, and non-carbonated drinks in consumer containers of various capacities, shapes and compositions: Trademark "Eridan": "With taste of tarragon" Tarh
  • Non-alcoholic, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated, and non-carbonated drinks in consumer containers of various capacities, shapes and compositions: Eridan series: Tarhun , Lemonade , Magic Bel
  • Non-alcoholic slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated, and non-carbonated drinks in consumer containers of various capacities, shapes and compositions: Tarhun, Lemonade, Golden Key, Cream-soda,
  • Non-alcoholic low-carbonated, medium-carbonated, highly carbonated and non-carbonated drinks in consumer containers of various capacities, shapes and compositions: Trademark Eridan: With tarragon flavor, Lemonade,
  • Non-alcoholic drinks with flavors, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated "IREMEL"

  • Carbonated dry cider Signora Sangria, Semi-dry carbonated cider Signora Sangria, Carbonated cider semisweet Signora Sangria, carbonated sweet cider Signora Sangria volume fraction of ethyl alcohol from 1.5%
  • Carbonated cider dry AppleJus, Semi-dry carbonated cider AppleJus, Semi-sweet carbonated cider AppleJus, Carbonated sweet cider AppleJus,
  • Carbonated dry cider Madame Champagne; Semi-dry carbonated cider Madame Champagne; Semi-sweet carbonated cider Madame Champagne; Carbonated sweet cider Madame Champagne.
  • Complex food supplements. A mixture of packaging gases: carbon dioxide - nitrogen, carbon dioxide - oxygen, oxygen - nitrogen, oxygen - carbon dioxide - nitrogen, nitrogen-carbon dioxide-oxygen

    Purified drinking water from underground sources Source of Life: first category - carbonated, still; the highest category - fluorinated (carbonated, non-carbonated); iodized, fluorinated (non-carbonated

  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks: 1) with sugar juice and low-calorie: GARDENS OF RUSSIA SERIES: Pear, Cherry Strawberry, Raspberry, Plum, Black Moro
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks
  • Natural mineral drinking water canteen Mineral water of Karelia MOROSHA carbonated and non-carbonated; Mineral natural drinking water table Mineral water of Karelia MOROSHA carbonated and non-carbonated

    NON-ALCOHOLIC CARBONATED DRINKS of the Krasnaya price trademark (slightly carbonated, medium-carbonated and highly carbonated) in an assortment of 33 items, packaged in PET bottles, capacity

    Non-alcoholic flavored carbonated drinks: drink Motivation Fighter carbonated, drink Motivation Footballer carbonated,: Non-alcoholic flavored non-carbonated drinks: Motivation with l-carnitine

  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks under the trademark NORMA: Buratino, Cola, Lemonade, with pear flavor Pear flavor, with taste tarragon Tarhun, s
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks under the NORMA trademark: Buratino, Cola, Lemonade, with taste of pear Pear aroma, with taste of tarragon Tarhun,
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, moderately carbonated, highly carbonated drinks: “Demidov lemonade”, “Demidov mojito”, “Demidov taiga”, with the taste and aroma of kvass “ Demidov Bread , with taste
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks under the NORMA trademark: Buratino, Cola, Lemonade, with taste of pear Pear aroma, with taste of tarragon Tarhun,
  • Fermented milk drinks. Carbonated and non-carbonated tan, Ayran, Matsoni: without the use of food additives, fat-free, with a mass fraction of fat 1.0%; 1.5%; 2.0%; 2.5%; Carbonated and non-carbonated tan, Ayran, Matsoni

    Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, moderately carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated (not specialized food products)

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated and carbonated beverages: non-carbonated - Cherry and Apple; Grapes and an Apple; Peach and Banana; Pomegranate and Raspberry; Strawberry and Pineapple; carbonated - Grapes; Pear; O

    Glass bottles for sparkling and carbonated pearl wines, cider; carbonated low-alcohol drinks; soft drinks, mineral and drinking water: medium carbonated and slightly carbonated.

  • Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated drinks with flavors
  • wine drinks (volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 8.0%, mass concentration of sugars 45-55 g dm3): carbonated LAMBRUSCO BIANCO carbonated LAMBRUSCO ROSSO carbonated, PROSECKO carbonated
  • wine drinks: "Lambrusco white semisweet" carbonated, "Lambrusco red semisweet" carbonated, "Prosecco white semisweet" carbonated,
  • Non-alcoholic drinks: non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated: Lemonade, Extra-citro, Tarragon flavor, Mojito, Bell, Orange flavor, Peach flavor, Cola, Tula, Gooseberry flavor

    Food supplement Liquid carbon dioxide (liquid carbon dioxide of the highest grade, liquid carbon dioxide of the highest grade, E290, carbon dioxide)

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, moderately carbonated and highly carbonated drinks in assortment: see Appendix No. 1 on one sheet, packaged in glass bottles of 0.33 kb. dm. and 0.5 dm.cub., b

    Non-alcoholic highly carbonated, moderately carbonated, slightly carbonated and non-carbonated drinks on flavors (see Appendix No. 1 on one sheet )

    natural mineral drinking table water Svenskaya: carbonated, non-carbonated; natural mineral water drinking table, trademark Nympha - Svenskaya: carbonated, non-carbonated

    Drinking water of the first category Light carbonated and non-carbonated Drinking water of the first category Bright health carbonated and non-carbonated

  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink Mint-Lime; Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink Lemon; Non-alcoholic carbonated drink Cherry; Carbonated soft drink Yabloko
  • Non-alcoholic flavored beverages: medium carbonated GREENME COLA; medium carbonated Tverskaya pure Duchess; highly carbonated Tverskaya pure Duchess; medium carbonated Tverskaya netaya Tarhun
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated drinks:
  • Drinking water of the first category Lyubava and Live Long, still and carbonated (highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated), packaged in glass bottles with a capacity from 0.33 l to 1,

    SOFT DRINKS with flavors, carbonated (highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated) with the use of preservatives:

    Soft drinks, medium carbonated , highly carbonated in consumer containers of various capacities, shapes and compositions: Non-alcoholic highly carbonated and medium carbonated beverages:

    Carbonated sweet fruit cider BOOM! with taste Gin-Tonic Fruit carbonated sweet cider BOOM! with taste Cherry Fruit carbonated sweet cider BOOM! with taste Orange Carbonated fruit cider sla

    Fermented milk drinks: Ayran non-carbonated, Ayran carbonated , Tang non-carbonated , Tang carbonated with a mass fraction of fat from 0.1% to 6.0%. Brand Useful products.

    Food gas mixtures. A mixture of packing gases: carbon dioxide - nitrogen, carbon dioxide - oxygen, oxygen - nitrogen, oxygen - carbon dioxide - nitrogen, nitrogen - carbon dioxide - oxygen. CHELYABTEKHGAZ brand

    Carbonated apple nectar MUGO soft carbonation, Orange carbonated nectar MUGO soft carbonation,

  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks: Demidov lemonade, Demidov mojito, Demidov taiga, with the taste and aroma of kvass Demidovsky bread, with a
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks: with orange flavor “Demidovsky traditional. Orange , Demidov traditional. Lemonade , with pear flavor Demidovsky
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, moderately carbonated and highly carbonated drinks in assortment: see Appendix No. 1 on one sheet, packaged in glass bottles of 0.33 kb. dm. and 0.5 dm.cub., b

    Fermented drinks: NOVOVAR Cherry carbonated semi-sweet cider, NOVOVAR Mojito carbonated semi-sweet cider, NOVOVAR Limoncello carbonated semi-sweet cider, NOVOVAR Champagne carbonated semi-sweet cider adky, LED

    Low-alcohol carbonated drinks: semi-sweet carbonated cider Applegrate, ethyl alcohol volume fraction 4.5%; Applegrate carbonated sweet cider, ethyl alcohol by volume 4.5%; semi-sweet cider, carbonated

  • Non-alcoholic beverages: Apple flavor non-carbonated; With apple-apricot flavor non-carbonated; With raspberry-melon flavor non-carbonated; Strawberry-caramel flavor non-carbonated,
  • Non-alcoholic drink "Black tea with lemon flavor" non-carbonated; Non-alcoholic drink "Green tea with raspberry flavor and mint aroma" non-carbonated; Non-alcoholic drink "Black tea with raspberry flavor" non-carbonated
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink "With the taste of Cola" RC 9185-081-79320742-12, Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink "With the taste of Pears - Duchess" RC 9185-078-79320742- 12, Non-alcoholic highly carbonated
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink "With Lemonade flavor" Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink "With taste of Tarragon" Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink "With pear-Duchess flavor" Non-alcoholic beverage strong
  • Food additives: carbon dioxide (CARBON DIOXIDE) E 290 acidity regulator, propellant, packing gas; liquid carbon dioxide premium. Trademarks High-pressure liquid carbon dioxide, top grade, two
  • Complex food additives: food packaging gas mixtures: (carbon dioxide (CARBON DIOXIDE) E 290, nitrogen (NITROGEN) E 941), grade PS-10 (carbon dioxide (10%) - nitrogen (90%), PS-20 (dioxide carbon (20%) - nitrogen (80%)
  • mplex: food packaging gas mixtures: (carbon dioxide (CARBON DIOXIDE) E 290, nitrogen (NITROGEN) E 941), grade PS-10 (carbon dioxide (10%) - nitrogen (90%), PS-20 (carbon dioxide ( 20%) - az
  • Drinking water, packaged in containers : drinking water purified SILVER ROSA carbonated and non-carbonated; purified drinking water NASHA VODA Artesian carbonated and non-carbonated; purified drinking water MELI

  • Mineral drinking medical-table water Magnesium carbonated (slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated) and still (Wells No. 376 (No. 376-bis). Achalukskoye field, Republic In , artificial yarn, for men a
  • Mineral drinking medicinal table water AQUA ACHALUKI carbonated (slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated). (Wells No. 376 (No. 376-bis). Achalukskoye field, Republic of Ingusheti
  • Mineral drinking water, medical-table ARAMKHI , carbonated (slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated) and still (Wells No. 376 (No. 376-bis). Achalukskoye field, Republic of Ingushetia).
  • Non-alcoholic fruit drinks: non-carbonated, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated; cold or hot filling, pasteurized, unpasteurized, with or without preservatives:

    Complex food additive: Liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide (liquid carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, liquid carbon dioxide, Е290),

    Complex food additive: Liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide (liquid carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, liquid carbon dioxide, Е290),

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks, highly carbonated , medium carbonated, slightly carbonated: cranberry drink; lingonberry drink; blueberry drink; from blueberries; from sea buckthorn; red currant; from h

    Clouded wine drinks AVINO AVINO in assortment: cloudy wine sweet carbonated drink AVINO GOLD VIOLET AVINO GOLD VIOLET, cloudy wine sweet carbonated drink AVINO CARBON AVINO CARBON

  • Carbonated dry white wine drink RASHEL LITE FIESTA, Carbonated semi-dry white wine drink RASHEL LIGHT FIESTA, Carbonated semi-sweet white wine drink RASHELL LIGHT FIESTA, Carbonated wine drink
  • Carbonated dry white wine drink Muskatella Semi-dry white carbonated wine drink Muskatella Sweet carbonated white wine Muskatella
  • Drink fermented milk Ayran (with a mass fraction of fat 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, fat-free with a mass fraction of fat less than 0.5%): carbonated, non-carbonated, carbonated with spices and spices, non-carbonated with spices
  • Sour-milk drink Ayran: carbonated, still, carbonated with spices and spices, non-carbonated with spices and spices , Beefi-Ayran.
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks

  • Bottled drinking water SANVITA of the highest category, carbonated and non-carbonated. Bottled drinking water VITENIAN of the highest category, carbonated and non-carbonated. Packaged in consumer and transport
  • Non-alcoholic drinks with aromatizers, medium carbonated, highly carbonated: Duchess, Tarhun, Extra-Citro. Non-alcoholic drinks with juice, moderately carbonated, highly carbonated: Yabloko, Cherry.
  • Labeling materials based on polypropylene films with a printed pattern for labeling consumer containers with food (carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, mineral water, drinking carbonated and non-carbonated)

    Non-carbonated plant-based non-carbonated drink from wild pear, non-carbonated plant-based non-carbonated drink from rose hips

    1. Non-alcoholic carbonated drink Lemon with elderflower flowers 2. Non-alcoholic carbonated drink Cream-Soda 3.Drink carbonated Pineapple 4.Drink non-alcoholic carbonated Kolokolchik

    Alcoholic products: Semi-sweet carbonated cider Mojito, Semi-sweet carbonated cider Rest on the Beach, Semi-sweet carbonated cider Blue Lagoon, Semi-sweet carbonated cider Pina Colada, Semi-sweet cider

    Drinking water AQUASORI, carbonated and non-carbonated, first category, carbonated and non-carbonated, packaged in containers

    Carbonated cider (volume fraction of ethyl alcohol 4.7%), in the range: - Dry carbonated cider MISTER CRAFT ( MR. CRAFT) ; - Semi-dry carbonated cider MR. CRAFT; - Semi-sweet carbonated cider MIS

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated, highly carbonated drinks: Lemonade, Kiwi, Extra-Citro, Duchess, Bell , Barberry , Cream-Soda , Tarhun , Strawberry , Cherry , Ze

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, moderately carbonated and highly carbonated beverages packaged in glass bottles with a volume of 0.33 dm3. up to 1.0 dm. cubic meters, bottles made of polyethylene terep

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated juice-containing beverage, slightly carbonated, medium carbonated or highly carbonated Cider hopped

  • Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks (highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated) and still: DYUSHES , TARKHUN, EXTRA-SITRO, MOHITO, CHERRY, CHOCOLATE WITH CHERRY, GRAPE BOUQUET, FEYKHOA, GREEN APPLE, SL
  • Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks (highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated) and still: Duchess pear, Tarragon, Cherry, Green appal, Feijoa, Mara
  • Honey drinks, sweet, sweet carbonated, semi-sweet, semi-sweet carbonated, dry, dry carbonated, semi-dry, semi-dry carbonated, fortified, honey wort, fruit (fruit) wort, with a volume fraction of these

  • Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated, unpasteurized, pasteurized, with the use of preservatives, without the use of preservatives, cold filling, aseptic
  • Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated drinks in the assortment: "Lemonade", "Pear flavor", "Citro", "Tarhun"; premium - "Lemonade", "Pear flavor", "Citro", "Tarhun"; juice-containing -
  • Non-alcoholic beverages on flavors, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated, pasteurized, unpasteurized, cold filling, with or without preservatives in a stack

  • Non-alcoholic beverages on Kombucha base (pasteurized, unpasteurized): transparent and cloudy; highly carbonated, moderately carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated: Botanic tea (Botanik ti) , Botani
  • Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, moderately carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated (pasteurized, unpasteurized, with preservatives, without preservatives): Baikal, Duchesse, Tarhun,
  • Non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drink Silver Dew-Fresh with lemon flavor with preservative; Non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drink Silver Dew-Fresh with orange flavor and preservative.

    Highly carbonated non-alcoholic kvass drink "Primorskiy kvass". Non-alcoholic moderately carbonated kvass drink "Kvass captain's barrel". Non-alcoholic moderately carbonated kvass drink

    Clarified raspberry nectar, carbonated "Non-alcoholic Raspberry", clarified grape nectar, carbonated "Non-alcoholic Semi-sweet", clarified grape-apple nectar, carbonated "B

    Mineral natural drinking table hydrogen carbonate magnesium-calcium "Solnechnogorskaya" carbonated and non-carbonated, poured into consumer containers

  • bottles made of colorless glass such as Aquarius Vn- 28-500-N-114 for non-alcoholic highly carbonated drinks and soft drinks, mineral and drinking water: medium carbonated and slightly carbonated
  • colorless glass bottles for non-alcoholic highly carbonated, medium carbonated and slightly carbonated drinks, including for mineral water such as Cheburashka-KPNv-500-N-100, Cheburashka-Vn-28-500-N-106, Arkhyz-Vn-28
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated flavored drink " Cream-soda ", non-alcoholic highly carbonated flavored drink" Lemonade ", non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink with a spicy aroma
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated flavored drink: "Mojito". Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink: "Strawberry Orange". Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks: "With a taste
  • Bread "Kupechesky" with molded raisins from a mixture of rye peeled and wheat flour of the first grade. and still; "BELOKATAYSKAYA" non-carbonated with silver ions; "BELOKATAISKAYA" purified carbonated and non-carbonated

    Soft drinks with flavors: - carbonated and non-carbonated: "Cold tea"; "Iced tea with bergamot flavor"; "Iced tea with lemon balm flavor"; "Flavored cold tea"; - medium carbonated:

  • Carbonated soft drinks (medium carbonated and highly carbonated) 1. "Country Limonia" Grunya "Premium" ("Country Limonia" Grunya "Premium"); 2. "Country of Limonia" Duchess "Premium" ("Country of Limonia" Duchess "Premiu
  • Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks (medium carbonated and highly carbonated) 1 Country of Limonia Grunya Premium (Country of Limonia Grunya Premium); 2. Country of Limonia Duchess Premium (Country of Limonia D
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated flavored drink "Lemonado VO Lemon e "Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink" Lemonado VO Pear "with pear aroma. Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink Lemonado VO Tarhu
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink Eliseevskaya Tarhun with tarragon aroma Non-alcoholic highly carbonated flavored drink Eliseevskaya Cola Non-alcoholic highly carbonated flavored drink
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink "Green tea with currants", Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink "Green tea with sea-buckthorn", Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink "Green tea-Forest berries", Non-alcoholic drink n

    Carbonated wine drink "Mojito / MsfSo" Carbonated wine drink "Vermouth with lime flavor / Vermouth tasteful lime" Carbonated wine drink "Sangria / Sangria"

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks on flavors, highly carbonated on flavors, highly carbonated juice-containing drinks see Appendix No. 1

    Natural drinking water "Sinegorskaya", carbonated, non-carbonated, non-carbonated first quality category, packaged in containers, tank trucks

    non-carbonated non-carbonated drinks: "Green tea" with taste and aroma: lemon; lime and mint; jasmine; ginger; peach. Non-alcoholic strongly carbonated drinks with flavors: Lemonade, Duchess, Cream - soda

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink "Green tea with currants", Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink "Green tea with sea-buckthorn", Non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink "Green tea-Forest berries", Non-alcoholic drink n

    SMOKED MEAT PRODUCTS "Provincial". BEEF: beef sirloin, lumpy beef, beef roll; PORK: carbonate, pastroma carbonate, sesame carbonate, neck, ham, Smak ham, loin, loin without

    Extra-purified drinking water "LESNAYA PROKHLADA" of the first category, carbonated and still; post-purified drinking water "URMAN" of the first category, carbonated and non-carbonated in glass bottles, in bottles and bo

    Electric carbon dioxide gasifiers, models GU-125, GU-250, GU-500, GU-750, GU-1000; atmospheric carbon dioxide gasifiers, models GU-125A, GU-250A, GU-500A, GU-750A, GU-1000A; electric carbon dioxide heaters

    Bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate for bottling and storage of non-carbonated, carbonated, highly carbonated; low-calorie; juice-containing; soft drinks; beer drinks; kvass; drinking water; vegetable oil

    Non-carbonated soft drink "Nest" Lemon. Non-carbonated soft drink "Nest" Peach. Non-carbonated non-alcoholic drink "Nesty" Forest berries. TU 9185-021-40227765-14

    : medium carbonated "Give 5" Lemonade ", highly carbonated" Give 5 "Duchess", highly carbonated "Give 5" Cola "

  • Non-carbonated soft drink Nesty Lemon. Non-carbonated soft drink Nesty Peach. Non-carbonated non-alcoholic drink "Nesty" Forest berries ". TU 9185 - 021 - 40227765 -14
  • "Fruittime" Buratino "highly carbonated soft drink." Fruittime "Cream Soda" highly carbonated soft drink. "Fruittime" Duchess "highly carbonated soft drink. "Fruittime"
  • Non-carbonated non-alcoholic drink Nesty Lemon. Non-carbonated soft drink Nest Peach. Non-carbonated soft drink Nest Forest berries. TU 9185 - 021 - 40227765 -14
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated, medium carbonated, non-carbonated drinks "Alazani": Citro, Isabella, Cream-Soda, Creamy, Duchess, Saperavi, Mojito Lime, with taste and aroma: Pears, Quince , Orange, Lemon, Tarhuna,

    Non-alcoholic drinks: "Kusun "," Karkade "non-carbonated carbonated non-carbonated bottles of polyethylene terephthalate, in kegs

    non-alcoholic non-carbonated non-carbonated drink ENERGON®" Energy ". With L-carnitine. Series # DRY DRY; non-alcoholic non-carbonated tonic drink ENERGON® with the "Grapefruit" flavor. S L-car

  • Non-alcoholic drinks: - highly carbonated, - medium carbonated, - non-carbonated assortment in Appendix No. 1 on 1 sheet
  • Cider: dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, sweet, filtered and unfiltered, pasteurized and unpasteurized, not carbonated, carbonated , carbonated pearl, sparkling, sparkling pearl with a volume fraction of ethyl
  • Cider: dry , semi-dry, semi-sweet, sweet, filtered and unfiltered, pasteurized and unpasteurized, not carbonated, carbonated, carbonated pearl, sparkling, sparkling pearl according to Appendix 1 for 1 liter
  • Non-carbonated natural mineral water drinking table "Novo Troitskaya", Non-carbonated natural mineral water drinking table "Novo Trinity "carbonated

    Non-alcoholic highly carbonated, medium carbonated and slightly carbonated drinks with flavors: "Lemonade", "Buratino", "Duchess".

    Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, moderately carbonated beverages , lightly carbonated and still

    Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drinks with flavors. Non-alcoholic strongly carbonated drinks with transparent flavors: "Frisky pomegranate", "Wild fig". Non-alcoholic strongly carbonated drinks for aromatization

    glass packaging: green glass bottles KPEq-500-Lolinga for soft carbonated drinks and soft drinks: medium carbonated, slightly carbonated

    Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, non-carbonated drinks: Citro, Lemonade, Duchess, Bell, Cola, Cream Soda, Mojito, Mojito-strawberry, Borax tino, Isabella; with taste and aroma

    Non-alcoholic, highly carbonated, medium carbonated, non-carbonated drinks: Lemonade, Duchess, Tarhun, Cream-Soda, Bell, Pinocchio, packed in bottles made of glass and polymeric materials, volume from 0.5 l to 3 l.

    Non-alcoholic medium carbonated drink Mojito, with lemon-lime and mint flavor Soft drink medium carbonated Blueberry, with blueberry taste; Non-alcoholic medium carbonated drink Yabloko - Celery, co

    Drinking water of the first category Zhivoi Dar carbonated; Drinking water of the first category Zhivoi Dar non-carbonated; Drinking water of the first category Zhivoi Dar, carbonated trademark VELIKORETSKAYA; Dr

    Non-alcoholic, slightly carbonated and non-carbonated, non-carbonated drinks with juice of trade marks: VALHALLA LABS , ST , Sport Victory Nutrition and marked Sport Wasser in the assortment: Caffeine 2000 PL

    Metal closures: aluminum caps for sealing glass bottles with carbonated, carbonated and non-carbonated non-alcoholic, low-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages (ethyl alcohol content up to

    Non-alcoholic drinks: Highly carbonated with flavorings - Tarhun, Lemonade, Duchess, Dalai, Feijoa flavor and aroma, Mojito; Medium carbonated on flavors - TAI fruits; Kvass medium carbonated on grain

    SEMI-SWEET CARBONATED WINE BEVERAGES: Semi-sweet white sparkling wine wine KALAMBUR; carbonated pink semi-sweet wine drink ROSE CUP; carbonated white semi-sweet wine drink SAN-DONATO (

  • Drinking water Pure water of the first quality category carbonated and still, packaged in containers. Drinking water Pure water of the first quality category, carbonated and non-carbonated, packaged in containers, yo
  • Drinking water of the first category, carbonated and non-carbonated, additional purified carbonated and still, packed in containers San-Slavia San Slavia ™
  • Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink Pear San-Slavia San-Slavia ™; Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink Tarhun San-Slavia San-Slavia ™; Non-alcoholic highly carbonated drink Orange San-Slavia San-Slavia ™
  • Food additives: carbon dioxide (CARBON DIOXIDE) Е290 acidity regulator, propellant, packing gas. High-pressure liquid carbon dioxide, premium

    Non-alcoholic medium carbonated drink Gold Elixir pear Non-alcoholic medium carbonated drink Gold Elixir orange Non-alcoholic medium carbonated drink Gold Elixir tarragon

    Carbon price today (09.02.2025)

    Our expert has compiled a table of wholesale Carbon prices based on shipments from Russia to various countries around the world.

    Prices on FOB (Vostochnii, Ust-Luga, Novorosisk, Primorsk)

    ProductCarbon price per kg,MTWeight
    Technical Carbon$8 / kg10-100 kg
    Technical Carbon Granular:$1 per kg100 - 1.000 kg
    Technical Carbon$3.1 / kg1.000 - 10.000 kg
    Technical Carbon Granular:$937 per MTabove 10MT
    Billet Hot-rolled$0.7 / kg1.000 - 10.000 kg
    Samples Of Tin Card For Aerosol Cylinders$0.7 / kg10-100 kg
    Non-alloy Steel Bars In Room Rolled Rolls$1.5 per kg100 - 1.000 kg
    Iron Or Non-alloy Steel Bars$0.6 / kg1.000 - 10.000 kg
    Non-alloy Steel Bars In Room Rolled Rolls$544 per MTabove 10MT
    Wire Low-carbon Quality Without Galvanic Coating$7.6 / kg10-100 kg
    Low-carbon Steel Wire Without Galvanizing Or Other Coating$1.1 per kg100 - 1.000 kg
    Low Carbon Steel Wire$0.8 / kg1.000 - 10.000 kg
    Low Carbon Steel Wire$632 per MTabove 10MT

    Delivery Carbon from Russia to worldwide

    🇺🇿 Manufactures Carbon from Uzbekistan

    Good from Russia

    Hydrophobic coated carbonate powder. Carbonate powder without hydrophobic coating

    non-carbonated and non-carbonated drinks and bottled drinking water

  • 1) Drinking water, carbonated and without carbonated water "RUSHER" 2) Shampoo "DEN" "MULAN"
  • non-carbonated and non-carbonated drinks and bottled drinking water

    b / a drinks moderately carbonated and non-carbonated teas

    non-carbonated non-carbonated tea drinks

    non-carbonated and carbonated drinks

    non-carbonated and carbonated drinks

    non-carbonated and carbonated drinks

    non-carbonated and carbonated drinks

    Powdery water, medium carbonated and non-carbonated

    Drinking water from the centralized drinking water supply system "7Ya" in PET bottles: - not carbonated: 1) with a capacity of 0.5 l, 2) with a capacity of 1.5 l, 5 l - highly carbonated: 3) with a capacity 0,5 l, 4) wit

    non-carbonated and carbonated drinks

    1) Artesian purified drinking water, moderately carbonated and non-carbonated "Kattakurgan" packed in PET bottles

    carbonated soft drinks t.z. "ARKTIKA": 1. Orange. 2. Cola. 3. Duchess. 4. Lemon. 5. Cherries. 6. Peach. 7. Buratino. 8. Tarhun. Non-alcoholic carbonated drink tz. "FENSI": 1. "Buratino" in PET bottles

    non-carbonated drinking water, carbonated

    Bottled, medium-carbonated DRINKING WATER, bottled non-carbonated DRINKING WATER

    Non-carbonated non-carbonated drinks

    1. Drinking water, non-carbonated "TOZA SUV" in PET bottles with a capacity of 5 L. 10 L. 2. Drinking water, non-carbonated "TOZA SUV" in PET bottles with a capacity of 18.9 L.

    🇧🇾 Carbon from Belarus

    Good from Russia

    Processing aid (packing gas). The composition of the mixture gas carbon dioxide - nitrogen: carbon dioxide, the volume fraction in the mixture is from 1% to 40%; nitrogen, volume fraction in the mixture from 60% to 99%.

    food additive carbon dioxide (E290) (liquid carbon dioxide). It is used as an acidity regulator, propellant, packing gas.

  • Complex food additives - gas mixtures carbon dioxide - oxygen - nitrogen (E 290, E 948, E 941). Type of packaging: steel cylinders with a volume of up to 50 liters. The volume fraction of carbon dioxide is from 20 to 70%
  • Complex food additives - gas mixtures carbon dioxide - oxygen (E290, E948). Type of packaging: steel cylinders with a volume of up to 50 liters. The volume fraction of carbon dioxide is from 20 to 70%. The volume fractio
  • non-alcoholic beverages. carbonated and non-carbonated, 18 (eighteen) items

    non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated kvass "Russian" drink. packed in consumer and transport packaging

    grape wine. carbonated grape wine "SOVIGNON" (3 items), consumer packaging - glass bottles, volume 0.75 l. Excise stamps series M 005

    Soft drinks. carbonated, vegetable-based, pasteurized

    Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks with sweeteners, unpasteurized with a preservative.

    Drinking water " Maryushka ". Carbonated

  • natural drinking water "Vadzitsa z chistai krynitsy". artesian, non-carbonated.
  • natural drinking water "Protera Living Water". artesian, non-carbonated.
  • carbonated birch sap with sugar. sterilized with preservative
  • carbonated soft drinks. 12 items
  • non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink "Vitamix" "Lambada". Packing type: PET bottles with a volume of 0.25 to 2.0 l
  • Natural drinking water "Darida" carbonated. Drinking water is bottled in PET bottles with a volume of 0.25 l to 6.0 l inclusive. The name on the product label may be accompanied by the inscription "YOUR WATER", which is
  • non-alcoholic carbonated drink. trade mark "Clean". Consumer packaging: PET bottle.

    carbonated soft drinks with sweeteners. Barcode 48107380 *****. Consumer packaging - disposable PET bottles.

    low alcohol drinks. carbonated, alcoholized, flavored, pasteurized. Type of packaging: PET bottles, kegs.

    non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks.

    🇰🇿 TOP COMPANY export Carbon from Kazahstan

    Good from Russia
  • Natural mineral drinking water, non-carbonated, strongly carbonated, slightly carbonated
  • Natural mineral waters, still, strongly carbonated, slightly carbonated
  • Carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks "TURAN" in assortment
  • Natural mineral waters, still, strongly carbonated, slightly carbonated "TURAN" в
  • non-alcoholic carbonated drinks, non-carbonated, PET-bottles, unpasteurized

    Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks, non-carbonated

  • Carbonated and non-carbonated drinking water "Aqua-Ural", packaged in 0.5 liter containers; 1.0l .;
  • Carbonated and non-carbonated drinking water, packaged in 0.5 liter containers; 1.0l .;

    Carbonated and non-carbonated drinking water, packaged in 0.5 liter containers; 1.0l .;

    Non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drinks

  • Drinking water enriched with iodine "IODICA" carbonated and non-carbonated in PET bottles
  • Non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drinks tm. "AISIA" in a PET bottle with a capacity of 0.6; 1,0l
  • Drinking table water carbonated, medium carbonated and still" Aqua-Arasan "
  • Drinking table still carbonated and non-carbonated water "Lux" refined

    Non-alcoholic non-carbonated and carbonated drinks in assortment

  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated and carbonated drinks tm. "Functional", tm
  • Non-alcoholic non-carbonated and carbonated drinks of the "Lemonadoff" trademark in the assortment
  • Drinking natural carbonated and non-carbonated water "Artezia"

    🇰🇬 TOP exporter Carbon from Kyrgyzstan

    Good from Russia
  • Non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated mineral drinks:
  • Non-alcoholic tonic drink carbonated "Red Bull" in the amount of 4224 cans with a capacity of 0.355 liters. and carbonated soft drink "Red Bull" in the amount of 60 480 cans 0.25 l.

    Drinking natural carbonated and non-carbonated water "Key" in PET bottles. 0.5l; 1.0l; 1.5l; 5,0l ;, 19,0l.

  • Treated drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated "Ak-Bata" in PET bottles 0.35l, 0.5l, 0.68l, 1.0l, 1.5l, 4.5l, 10l, 18l
  • Natural drinking water "Zam-Zam", carbonated and non-carbonated in PET bottles, vol. 0.35l, 0.5l, 0.68l, 1.0l, 1.5l, 4.5l, 10l.
  • Processed, carbonated and non-carbonated drinking water "Bon-Aqua" in PET bottles 0.5l, 1.0l, 1.5l.

  • Natural drinking water "My water" carbonated and non-carbonated in PET bottles 0.35 l .; 0.5 l.; 0.68 l.; 1.0 l.; 1.5 l.
  • Treated drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated "Ak-Bata" in PET bottles 0.5l, 1.0l, 1.5l, 5.0l, 10l
  • Drinking natural carbonated and non-carbonated water "Artezian" in PET bottles. 0.3l; 0.5l; 1.0l; 1.5l ;, 2.0l; 5.0 l; 6.0 l; 10,0l
  • Natural drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated "Artezian" in PET bottles 0.3l, 2.0l, 10.0l. The products are manufactured in accordance with KMS 943
  • Non-alcoholic carbonated and non-carbonated drinks: Guarana, Creamy, Cola Cherry, Kyrgyz Cola and Berry fruit drink in PET bottles 0.5l, 1.0l, 1.5l and in kegs 5.0l, 15l, 20l, 30l, 50l.
  • Drinking water, natural carbonated and non-carbonated "Ala-Archa" in kegs 15l; 20l; 30l; 50l. Products are made in accordance with the CMC 943.
  • Natural drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated "Ala-Archa" in glass bottles 0.3 l and in PET bottles 1.5 l, 1.0 l, 0.5 l. The products are manufactured in accordance with KMS 943: 2005
  • Drinking water, natural carbonated and non-carbonated TM "Key" in PET bottle. 0.5l, 1.0l, 1.5l, 5.0l, 19l each. KMS 943: 2005

    Natural drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated "EcoWater "in PET bottles 0.5l., 1.0l., 1.5l., 2.0l., 5.0l., 10l., 19l. The products are manufactured in accordance with KMS 943

    Natural drinking table water carbonated, non-carbonated bottled in PET. cap. 0.5l, 1.0l TM "KAV & KEV" according to KMS 943: 2005

    Natural drinking water carbonated and non-carbonated "Ala-Suu" in pet / bottles 1.5l, 1.0l, 0.5l., 19.0l. The products are manufactured in accordance with CMC 943-2005.

    Natural drinking waters carbonated and non-carbonated "Ak-Suu" and "Arashan" 0.5l, 1l., 6l. КМС 943

    Natural drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated "Altyn-Bulak" in PET bottles of 0.5 liters; 1.0l; 1.5l; 5.0 l. KMS 943

    Carbon price 2021 year

    In the table you can see how the wholesale prices of Carbon vary depending on the season.
    Product 1.20202.20203.20204.20205.20206.20207.20208.20209.202010.202011.202012.2020
    TECHNICAL CARBON GRANULAR: $0.77$0.79$0.92$0.93$0.9$0.86$0.88$0.92$0.94$0.97$0.96$0.92
    TECHNICAL CARBON $2.4$2.5$2.8$2.9$2.8$2.7$2.7$2.8$2.9$3$3$2.9
    TECHNICAL CARBON GRANULAR: $717$743$859$869$842$805$828$860$881$904$895$863
    BILLET HOT-ROLLED $0.5$0.6$0.6$0.6$0.6$0.6$0.6$0.6$0.7$0.7$0.7$0.6
    NON-ALLOY STEEL BARS… $1.15$1.19$1.37$1.39$1.35$1.29$1.33$1.38$1.41$1.45$1.43$1.38
    IRON OR NON-ALLOY STEEL… $0.5$0.5$0.5$0.6$0.5$0.5$0.5$0.6$0.6$0.6$0.6$0.6
    NON-ALLOY STEEL BARS… $416$431$498$505$489$467$481$499$511$525$520$501
    LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRE… $0.84$0.87$1.01$1.02$0.99$0.94$0.97$1.01$1.03$1.06$1.05$1.01
    LOW CARBON STEEL WIRE $0.6$0.6$0.7$0.7$0.7$0.7$0.7$0.7$0.8$0.8$0.8$0.7
    LOW CARBON STEEL WIRE $483$501$579$586$568$543$559$580$594$610$604$582

    Get Current Price on Carbon

    • Step 1: Contact sellers & inquire about Carbon
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    Delivery from Russia, Kazahstan, Uzbekistan
    Export to cityDateKm
    Tashkent (Uzbekistan) - Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)02.2020470
    Vitsyebsk (Belarus) - Ashgabat (Turkmenistan)02.20202850
    Moscow (Russia) - Hisar (India)02.20204211
    Osh (Kyrgyzstan) - Pescara (Italy)02.20204785
    Taraz (Kazakhstan) - Gəncə (Azerbaijan)02.20202081
    Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) - Saint-Étienne (France)02.20205426
    Kara-Balta (Kyrgyzstan) - Fargo (United States)02.202010002
    Mahilyow (Belarus) - Temirtaū (Kazakhstan)02.20202907
    Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) - Regensburg (Germany)02.20204877
    Jalal-Abad (Kyrgyzstan) - Khiwa (Uzbekistan)02.20201059
    Tokmok (Kyrgyzstan) - Satu Mare (Romania)02.20204056
    Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) - Phetchaburi (Thailand)02.20204950
    Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia) - Shumen (Bulgaria)02.20201890
    Andijon (Uzbekistan) - Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)02.20204203
    Shymkent (Kazakhstan) - Östersund (Sweden)02.20204180
    Samarkand (Uzbekistan) - Szekszárd (Hungary)02.20203930
    Qaraghandy (Kazakhstan) - Khorugh (Tajikistan)02.20201385

    Where is Carbon made. Supplier map


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